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قديم 07-08-2011, 03:44 PM
الصورة الرمزية abu.kaled
abu.kaled abu.kaled غير متواجد حالياً

معدل تقييم المستوى: 0 abu.kaled مدهشabu.kaled مدهشabu.kaled مدهش
افتراضي كيفية عمل تنظيف لفلاش الدريم 800

How To for DM 800se HD
by DreamOEM

! ! ! The box must depend on a DHCP server! ! !

1. First, the box shut down and unplug it (at least 1 minute)

2. Power button on the front page and insert the Box

3. Appears on the display xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx DHCP (IP address) *** STOP ***

4. In the Window's Start -> Run -> go and telnet
followed by the IP box type. (E.g., telnet per
configuration on the network

You will get the bios of the box.

Gracias a Mr.Bunny

DM 800se HD Firmware update via browser

What you need to update the firmware:

You need a current image. Such an image for the DM800HDse has the extension *. nfi.
It is not flash other images like *. img einzuspielen!
Please try not, it does not work.

You need either a DHCP server on your Net
zwerk, a configured bootloader or a serial null modem cable and a terminal program like Hyper Terminal.

You need a browser and a network cable. Connect your Dreambox directly to a PC, you need a cross-over "(rotated) network cable, if you connect through a switch / hub / router you need a" Non-Cross "(not twisted) network cable.

To flash a new image to the Dreambox, you have the "2nd stage loader in place and undamaged.
The next steps refer to a network with a DHCP server running.
If this is not the case, you have to setup a serial cable, an IP address.

- Turn off the dreambox, use this menu item "shut down"from the shutdown / standby menu and then pull the plug on the power supply out of the box.
The standby mode is not enough

- (1) Press the Power - button on the front panel and hold it.
Now insert the plug of the power supply back into the box.

- (2) A text "*** STOP ***"should appear. Now you can release the button.
The boot loader is now in "wait mode".

- (3) Above the "*** STOP ***" text, there should now display an IP address are displayed.
(four decimal places, separated by a period).
If there appears the "DHCP" instead of an IP address, the box still searches for a DHCP server. Wait a bit.
However, should appear after a short time an IP address, please check your DHCP server settings and the wiring of your network.
If it does not work, please set manually via a serial console, the IP of your box.

Now open a browser on your PC.
(1) Enter the IP address in the address field of the "http://ip/"field.
(enter the IP address displayed in the LCD).
(2) Press the "firmware upgrade" to the page displayed in the browser.

-On the next page you can select the desired image you want to flash the box. Please note the file extension *. nfi to play that
other images is not possible (NO *. img)!

- Click to select the images to the "FLASH!" and wait
e has been transferred completely to the image and flashed.

-Turn the box off and then on again.
The new operating software should now be recorded, and reboot.

gracias al autor

Anleitung - DM 800 HD se - Aktualisieren der Firmware
Up****** firmware via DreamUp

How do I play with new software DreamUp on the Dreambox DM 800 HD se:

Dreambox 800 HD se and service connection:

If you use the service port (to update the operating software)
would like to work, you must first install the following drivers:

VCP Drivers - (USB to UART Bridge Virtual COM Port (VCP) driver)

Crossover cable and USB Type A - Mini USB type B:

DreamUP version

Home / 2 All Receiver - DVB modules and S - C - T / 3 Dreambox / Progs - Tools - Flasher / Flash Software

First disconnect the box from main power
start the program "DreamUp"

Unplug the Dreambox is the first network
Start the program "DreamUp

select: comport 1 or 2
use network
if network: enter the local IP from your PC, enter a remote IP for your box

Please select the Com port to which the Dreambox is connected
Selection: Network / without network
when network: Enter Local IP of the PC, enter a foreign IP for the box

press the "Connect" - button
and then connect the box to main power
please wait now

the "Connect" button click
and then connect the box to the power plug
Please wait while now

after the flash loader is Transferred into the box select the firmware by pressing
The "Flash" - button

after the flash loader is transferred to the box, select the
Button "box flashing" the operating software from

select the firmware and click "open"

Select the firmware and click "open "

upload starts now, please wait

The upload is started, please wait

Box is flashing the new firmware into the flash memory, please wait

Box copies the new firmware into the flash memory, please wait

flashing done, press "OK"
press "disconnect then exit"
restart the box

"The box was flashed successfully, " click on "OK"
click disconnect then exit "
Box restart



رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-08-2011, 06:32 PM   رقم المشاركة : 2
مصعب القعاونة
الصورة الرمزية مصعب القعاونة

مصعب القعاونة غير متواجد حالياً

مصعب القعاونة سيصبح متميزا في وقت قريب


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رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-09-2011, 04:27 PM   رقم المشاركة : 3
ابو فارس
الصورة الرمزية ابو فارس

ابو فارس غير متواجد حالياً

ابو فارس على طريق التميز


لك جزيل الشكر على كل جديد ومميز بارك الله بالجهود الجبارة

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-09-2011, 05:09 PM   رقم المشاركة : 4
الصورة الرمزية vigeta

vigeta غير متواجد حالياً

vigeta سيصبح متميزا في وقت قريبvigeta سيصبح متميزا في وقت قريب


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كيفية تحميل السوفت وير لأجهزة الدريم بوكس :: بالصور خالد الشبول قسم رسيفرات الدريم بوكس Dream-box 3 10-06-2011 06:19 PM
شرح كيفية ادخال الشفرة يدوي لاجهزة الدريم بوكس عن طريق الريموت كنترول خالد الشبول قسم رسيفرات الدريم بوكس Dream-box 2 10-06-2011 03:58 PM
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